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Doing the best by your skin is not all about the lotions and potions you put on it. We all need to ensure we feed it nutritionally with the best foods so we look as good as it gets. We create a whole new layer of skin every 17-42 days according to our age, so […]
The pain of food allergies! Food for many gives great joy, wellbeing and satisfaction however for those who are dealing with food allergies this positivity can often turn to concern and feeling unwell. Many of us on a daily basis are dealing with food allergies in the form of skin conditions, bloating, stomach upset, […]
A client recently inspired me to write this next blog due to the many I have seen who have a similar addiction to ‘packets’, when referring to packets I mean dried packets for dishes like casseroles, sheppard’s pie, cottage pies and also sauces for dishes like spaghetti bolognaise. For many it is the convenience of […]
We all like something a little sweet, with this in mind below is my recipe for delicious blueberry muffins which are not only simple, quick and tasty they are totally nutritious. The muffins contain 300g of blueberries which are full of vitamins and antioxidants supporting our skin and hair, they also have seeds; a good […]

Personally speaking I’ve a family of five to feed daily and I’m only too aware of how costly it can be. Total Nutrition it’s all about serving up delicious meals that all age groups in my family will eat whilst also keeping an eye on my pocket. Below are my top tips for making more […]

Christmas, what a time for over indulgence, we all do it even when we promise ourselves that we are going to be good. That extra mince pie, crispy roast potato and certainly that lovely glass of vino! Well now that we are into 2015 lets kick that extra bit of weight to touch, pick […]

Yes they can be broken and burst with love. The heart is such an important part of the body and we really need to look after it. This blog has been inspired by a friend who is developing a wonderful website called which was launched in May. Being involved in the nutrition side of […]

Having just recently got into quinoa, I wanted to share my experiences on a nutritional and taste level, with the hope it may become a part of your lunchtime or evening meals. Many have heard of it, few have tasted it and even less have cooked it. So what is quiona (pronounced Keen-wah)? Basically it […]

Any celeb diet worth it’s salt includes plenty of nuts (no, not the celebs, the food!). I’m also talking about the health benefits of nuts and how important they are in our diet. They support our appearance by keeping nails, skin and hair looking the picture of health and vitality. First thing to note, when […]
Children and babies can be wilful and strong minded however they appears to be a common problem experience by many adoptive parents’ – babies or toddlers not knowing when to stop eating. With obesity levels rising in Irish children to one child in four this is a major concern for loving parents who really don’t […]