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Inflammation within the body can impact every aspect of our health; heart disease, arthritis, autoimmune issues and pain within the body. Inflammation is when the body generates a reaction to an injury generating heat and swelling. This reaction is generally to an injury like a fall or a bruise – this is natural response and […]
A client recently inspired me to write this next blog due to the many I have seen who have a similar addiction to ‘packets’, when referring to packets I mean dried packets for dishes like casseroles, sheppard’s pie, cottage pies and also sauces for dishes like spaghetti bolognaise. For many it is the convenience of […]

Yes they can be broken and burst with love. The heart is such an important part of the body and we really need to look after it. This blog has been inspired by a friend who is developing a wonderful website called which was launched in May. Being involved in the nutrition side of […]

Any celeb diet worth it’s salt includes plenty of nuts (no, not the celebs, the food!). I’m also talking about the health benefits of nuts and how important they are in our diet. They support our appearance by keeping nails, skin and hair looking the picture of health and vitality. First thing to note, when […]