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For those of you who follow me on Facebook (Totalnutrition Ireland) you will know in my house we absolutely love kale. Three key reasons I love it are:- Nutritional value Grown locally everywhere Great value Nutrition has many angles not only do we need to consider the nutritional value of the food (which I will […]

Personally speaking I’ve a family of five to feed daily and I’m only too aware of how costly it can be. Total Nutrition it’s all about serving up delicious meals that all age groups in my family will eat whilst also keeping an eye on my pocket. Below are my top tips for making more […]

My junior cert girl finishes today. Important to keep immunity boosted with vitamin C, ginger and lots of garlic to ensure they don’t crash once the adreneline crashes. Lemon water, stirfrys and delicious fruit salads will all help. Let the summer begin. Andrea